New - In this state, It is a program it is pick by operating system. It is in the Secondary memory it will put in main memory.
Ready- Here processor is ready to run.
Running- After Ready state it Schedule / Dispatch to the Running state. In this State CPU allocate
memory to the processor.
Terminated- When processor is completed then it will go to terminated.
Waiting / Blocked - When processor is running if it requires any I/O devices then it will go on to waiting/ Blocked state.
Suspend Ready- When any high priority processor want to get into ready state but there is no enough space in the ready state then the low priority processor will go to Suspended ready state. i.e. Here Processor in ready state which is in Main memory go back to Secondary state.
Non- preemption
There is more way when the processor is running if it want to be removed we will use time quantum or priority and make the processor to go back to ready state.
Suspend wait state
Here the processor is in waiting state if the space size is full then it will get into Secondary memory . In Secondary memory the I/O devices complete it task and get Suspended ready state.